Video: Anson Hu on the show [Zhong Guo Meng Xiang Xiu]

December 3rd, 2011 (Fixed link: May 20th. 2012) - Anson Hu's special guest appearance on [Zhong Guo Meng Xiang Xiu 中國夢想秀]! This episode is especially worth watching because of his costume, and his goal of trying recruit a talented to complete his dream. He looks super hilarious with a mustache! This performer loves Anson and you check out his facial expression when he realized that Anson was the person hidden under the costume!

Anson's acting is super hilarious! It's worth watching!


A guide to watching the video: 

Starts @17:17

- The host from the show and Anson dressed up as master and apprentice!

- On the show, they want to recruit a guy named Le Wen to perform on stage for the show because he possesses incredible Nunchaku skills! He is known in his area for his extensive effort and energy into training, even without a master. He has also written books, and other apprentices to hopefully transfer his skills.

- Zhong Guo Meng Xiang Xiu is highly interested in inviting him to perform on stage, so they sent the host and Anson, as master and apprentice, to "playfully" recruit him to perform on stage.

@21:04 Anson, the host and the entire video team staged a plan to recruit Le Wen!
The host first asked him to his ability, and of course the host and Anson were stunned! When it was time for them to perform, they had no idea of what they were doing (they didn't know real kung fu), but it's SUPER HILARIOUS! Check it out!

@25:08 Anson rips off his costume, and Le Wen's reaction is super!
I almost started tearing at this point!

@27:30 Le Wen performs his Nunchaku skills!

@29:00 Anson and Le Wen performs on stage together <LIFE>

In the end, Anson simply adds a few words to encourage teenagers to not give up their dream, and to add oil!!!

Source/Video link:


Awesome! Its truly remarkable article, I have got much clear idea regarding from this article.

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