Tiger Anson Hu Launches Official Fan board on We Chat!

March 22nd, 2015 - Tiger Hu | Anson Hu | Hu Yan Bin will release an upgraded "celebrity version" of his original We Chat account on May 1st, 2015. It's literally called Tiger Hu Wechat Public No. - Celebrity Version 胡彥斌微信公衆號-名堂版. It's version 1.0, an upgrade of the usual We Chat Hu Yan Bin account that we usually follow. The upgraded version features fan messages, boards, discussions, his latest news, activity, music, videos, and even exclusive content.

Named the official way within China to communicate with fans, the exclusive content is only view-able by fans who obtain their "fan No.". "Celebrity version" on We Chat is advertised to become China's biggest fan group in the future, and will facilitate closer and deeper interactions between the celebrity and fans.

It appears to not support oversea fans and international cell numbers. Fans including me are unable to obtain a "fan No." for the Celebrity version on We Chat. Though we may not be able to access exclusive content, we can still see his fan boards that contain his activity, schedule, and news, etc.

If you would like to try, please follow Hu on We Chat, search, "hu-yanbin".


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