北京祝福你 | běi jīng zhù fú nǐ | Best Wishes From Beijing
Lyricist: Wang Pingjiu 王平久
Composer: Chang Shilei 常石磊
Director: Wang Caitao 王才濤
Arranger/Producer: Zhao Zhao 趙兆
Singers: Various Artists 群星
Note: The Chinese and English lyrics are official and were subbed into the music video.
The lyrics were so tiny, I didn't think anyone could read it from that quality, I had to watch a 1080p quality version to read off the lyrics.......
English review of the song, visit the page from beijingcream.com,
Music Video:
Sina Official | Youku Official | Youtube Mirror
( Love is like a globe constantly rotating )
ài xiàng dì qiú yí zhuàn lái zhuàn qù
( How to reach Beijing? Just stretch your hand )
北京到世界多少里 伸手可及
Běijīng dào shì jiè duō shǎo li shēn shǒu kě jí
( Love leaves a trail from pole to pole )
爱划过轨迹 经纬两极
ài huà guò guǐ jī jīng wěi liǎng jí
(From East to West of the Great Wall, peace traces )
万里长城从东到西 烽火散去
wàn lǐ cháng chéng cóng dōng dào xi fēng huǒ sàn qù
( Welcome from Beijing, with all our hearts )
北京欢迎你 欢迎你 给世界无与伦比
Běijīng huān yíng nǐ huān yíng nǐ gěi shì jiè wú yǔ lún bǐ
( Best wishes from Beijing, inspiring friendship every day to come )
北京祝福你 祝福你 激励每一天传奇
Běijīng zhù fú nǐ zhù fú nǐ jī lì měi yī tiān chuán qí
( Best wishes from Beijing, ringing out from every corner )
北京祝福你 城墙上聊同一个话题
Běijīng zhù fú nǐ chéng qiáng shàng liáo tóng yī gè huà tí
( Waving flags of good wishes, blooming between me and you )
祈愿飘扬旌旗 绽放我和你
qí yuàn piāo yáng jīng qí zhàn fàng wǒ hé nǐ
( Best wishes from Beijing, under the stars, from all directions )
北京祝福你 星空下挂满四海霞衣
Běijīng zhù fú nǐ xīng kōng xià guà mǎn sì hǎi xiá yī
( Brilliantly and boundlessly, together we celebrate )
灿烂无边无际 共饮天和地
càn làn wú biān wú jì gòng yǐn tiān hé de
Repeat x5
Photo credit: http://www.weibo.com/1920061532/yuy8Dr9gE
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