Photos: Tiger Anson Hu "大一號 GROW" album release press conference

November 20th, 2012 - Anson Hu | Tiger Hu | Hu Yanbin's official album release conference for his new 2012 album "大一號 GROW" took place in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, on November 15th, 2012. It took several days before the media uploaded high quality photos.

During the event, Anson sang 3 songs《愛情是怎麼了(What's With Love?)》《 我以為(I Thought That)》《 在一起(Be Together)》, played games with several lucky fans, taught people the dance moves to his song 《 在一起》, and of course talked about his new album.

What he said during this night was covered in his new album interviews, see label: Interviews.

It never hurts to wait and our blog has quality photos to share with you all. Our Anson Facebook fan page will provide you with the quickest updates, and here, you will find the quality updates. Enjoy!

Unfortunately, there are only fan cameras, and picture and sound quality of these cameras is unbearable. I can't even make out a single word that he said, I don't even know why fans would bother sharing them. If you wonder why he's not singing any of his rock songs, that's because he said that he won't be performing those songs without his band, GROW, on the same stage. 

Event Photos (Click photo to launch album, improved loading and viewing!)


It's a shame there's no proper coverage for this! T__T
I want to know what that lab coat is about! =O

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