Video: Tiger Anson Hu sings Fengji International Film Festival opening song

November 9th, 2012 - Anson Hu | Tiger Hu | Hu Yanbin especially recorded the song, 《八陣圖 | bā zhèn tú (Eight Front Strategy)》and performed it on [ 2nd Annual China Fengji International Film Festival Opening Ceremony 第二屆中國奉節國際攝影節開幕式晚會 ].

He didn't write this song, he especially recorded it and performed it, so the song still belongs to him.
Do you think it fits his style and his voice??

Title: 八陣圖 | bā zhèn tú (Eight Front Strategy)

Singer: Anson Hu
Lyricist: n/a
Composer: n/a
Length: 3:44

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The song is alright, I do like the mix of chinesy and rock beats but the chorus doesn't stand out to me as much.

The dancers confused me a bit I'm guessing it's something to do with Yin Yang?

Anson's voice is good as usual but somehow I hear a backing track of his voice too so the resulting sound doesn't sound so good :P

Toilet, listen to the audio link, it should be much better!

The 'Eight front strategy" is pretty much a war tactic, so the dancers moving around with those 'yin yang' shield-like things are to represent shields in a war. :P I don't know why they choose to make it black and white, like yin and yang, though.

T~T tudou links don't work for me maybe because I'm in the UK? Booo~

Struggling to figure out what the Chinese characters are in Cantonese. Google translate not so good as it gives it to me in Mandarin :(

Probably because I don't know any war tactics xD only heard of 孙子兵法 and know the last tactic in 三十六計: 走是上計 :P

Toilet, seriously, Tudou links don't work for you? That's really weird!!!

Okay, so I did you a special favour, I uploaded it on dropbox (it's an easy sharing thing for me, so don't worry)

so, 八陣圖 = baat zan tou (in Cantonese)
八 = baat = #8 in Canto
陣 = zan = pronounced more like "zhun" ; have you heard of the phrase 一陣陣風 “yut zhun zhun fung" like a sudden gusts of wind
圖 = tou = photo in Canto!

Thanks Denise hehe I have downloaded the mp3 =D the quality is better! The opening is long though!

Ah I finally figured out the word 陣 got me, I kept thinking it was car but now I know what it is! xD Thanks for your gust of wind!

I will ask you more about chinese, you are a good teacher =D

Toilet, I think they purposely made the opening long because it matches with the ceremony opening!

I don't think I will ever be as good of a teacher/tutor like you. I'm sure you're good at what you do!!! :D

@Denise: Ah okay, Film Festival? Btw what happened to Anson's Movie role xD is it out on DVD yet?

I'm actually a big baloney! =P keke nah you just got to think about the person you teach and put yourself in their shoes. But really I talk a lot in real life and kids seem to like it! =D

First rule of teaching is to get kids to listen to what you are saying!

Toilet, I can link you to the movie. However, don't bother because the account got terminated. ><

I will try to look for something in China websites, but most of them blocked access for foreign countries.

It hasn't been officially released, you know how China things are ><

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